[RSM] Contesting Book Report and more

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 17:55:17 EDT 2020

Hello RSM Members,

Are you a NCJ subscriber, if not, the March/April edition showcased two new
interesting new book releases from K1DG and K5RC for us folks who are
contest enthusiasts

Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners  by Dog Grant K1DG

73 and DX: 60 Years of Ham Radio - a Retrospective  by Tom Taormina K5RC

I purchased the Kindle versions from Amazon and read for me was outstanding
on how these authors framed a lot of what I want and participate in amateur

Highly recommend the books and would like RSM to embrace some of the
workings these authors bring to light.

73, Gord VE6SV

P.S. VE6SV will multi something in the upcoming CQWW DX WPX SSB as *VC6R*
      got room for more ops, if we have an interest seek me out.

P.P.S. Writelog is our logging choice and this year, I will be rolling out
        new operating  features, partner mode with (2) keyboards and a test
        drive of a remote operator, as Writelog now supports this.

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