Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 14:01:28 EST 2020

The Most Important Contest in the World -- to me, anyhow.  Actually managed
to push myself for a full 24 hour effort.  Hard work, but fun, in the "100W
and a Dipole" class.

704 QSOs  83 Sections  116, 864 Claimed Score

QSOs total is up from last year.  Missed only ... NT (you guessed it,
didn't you).  If you like reading my SS stories, my long report is on
3830scores.com (with some corrections just now) at

Here are some RSM excerpts and additions.

Great efforts from the Canadian Plain, notably RSMers VE4VT (called me on
80M, gud sig),  VE4GV (loud and fast), and VE3CX (everywhere and loud and
fast).  And good job by Captain Remote, NO6T.  I also worked KE0A, but did
not hear him much other than around our QSO.  I listened for K0JP's parking
lot operation, but nothing heard.  (I got my ND regular, N7IV, who seemed
to be very active this year.)

>From our neighbors to the west my log has VE5MX (he was everywhere at once,
and loud) and VE5SF (loud and efficient).  Maybe I'll have to visit
Saskatchewan some day and join their Club.

Down here, I felt like running on 80M, though good, was not as productive
as usual, and that the crowd of PVRC callers and other Eastern USA was not
as large as usual; requires further investigation.

Forty-six of my QSOs (6.5%) were from Canada:  NL 1; PE 1; MAR 2; QC 3; ONE
13; GTA 10; ONS 7; ONN 2; MB 2; SK 2; AB only one!; BC 2; NT zilch.  I did
notice a lot of VE's in one of my 80M runs.  Having only 2 BC is a little
surprising.  I remember at the beginning of last Canada Day hearing VE4RAC
(Rob) running tons of VE7's on 20M SSB.

I plan to be on for a relaxed effort in SS SSB.  Listen for "K 3 Kilowatt
United" 60 A MDC.

After that (actually, already now), I'll be looking forward to Canada Day.
Pass the word, please.

73 and thanks for the QSOs,

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