[RSM] 2021 Contest University - Free Virtual Event

ed_richardson at shaw.ca ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Fri Apr 9 15:03:30 EDT 2021

This event is something I highly encourage all RSM members to attend if you
can. The quality is usually top notch and the material is well worth the
time commitment.  Besides, you can even win a radio!

Ed Richardson

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+ed_richardson=shaw.ca at contesting.com>
On Behalf Of Tim Duffy
Sent: April 9, 2021 11:56 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] 2021 Contest University - Free Virtual Event
Importance: High

2021 CONTEST UNIVERSITY Live via Zoom Webinar (free) - Thursday May 20, 2021

* REGISTRATION OPENS April 21, 2021 go to:  <http://contestuniversity.com>

Each speaker will talk for 45 minutes with 15 minutes after for Q&A.


9:00 AM EDT (1300Z)  Welcome to CTU by W8CI and K3LR

9:05 AM EDT (1305Z) WW2DX speaker "Cloud Contesting - Live Demonstration" -
moderators NN1C and W9KKN

10:00 AM EDT (1400Z) W3LPL speaker "Preparing Your Station for Competition"
- moderators NN1C and W9KKN

11:00 AM EDT (1500Z) M0DXR speaker "Contest Categories "Make the Most of
Your Entry" - moderators W2NAF and KM3T

Noon EDT (1600Z) - Last 12 months - Contest Operator Silent Keys by K1AR and

12:30 PM EDT (1630Z) DK6SP speaker "Youth - the Future of Contesters" -
moderators W2NAF and KM3T

1:30 PM EDT (1730Z) UA9BA speaker "Contesting From Russia" - moderators K5TR
and N5KO

2:30 PM EDT (1830Z) CT1BOH speaker "There is Nothing Magic About
Propagation" - moderators K5TR and N5KO

3:30 PM EDT (1930Z) NC0B speaker "Transceiver Performance for the HF DX and
Contest Operator" - moderators K1AR and N3RA

4:30 PM EDT (2030Z) Wrap up N9JA and K3LR

4:35 PM EDT (2035Z) 2021 CQ Contest Hall of Fame Presentation - K1AR

*FOUR ICOM HF Radios will be given away during CTU at random times. You must
be registered in Zoom and present during the random time drawing.

More information is here: https://www.contestuniversity.com/course-outline/


Special Thanks to Hamvention, Icom America and DX Engineering for donating
the radios and to QTH.com for website hosting.


2021 Virtual Contest University will be recorded and available on YouTube
after the event is over.



Tim K3LR

Contest University Chairman

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