[RSM] RadioSport Manitoba 2021 Membership Dues

Harm Hazeu ve4haz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 15:17:38 EST 2021

Good Morning All,

I hope that this email finds you well.

It is that time of year when the annual dues for RadioSport Manitoba are
required again.  Our membership runs annually from January 1 to December

The current dues are as follows;
Annual Full membership                $25.00
Annual Associate membership      $10.00

Payment can be made in various methods;
- Cash (local Winnipeg members) please contact me for details.
- PayPal via our website link http://radiosport.ca/?page_id=29.  If you so
wish, donations can be made with this link as well.
- E-transfer - please contact me for further information

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me
- ve4haz at gmail.com.

On behalf of the Executive, thank-you in advance

Stay safe!

Harm - VE4HAZ
RadioSport Manitoba

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