[RSM] RSM Digest, Vol 58, Issue 19
jhrisook at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 21:58:35 EDT 2021
I would be happy to join the team.JohnVE5KSSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: rsm-request at contesting.com Date: 2021-07-30 10:01 a.m. (GMT-06:00) To: rsm at contesting.com Subject: RSM Digest, Vol 58, Issue 19 Send RSM mailing list submissions to rsm at contesting.comTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rsmor, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to rsm-request at contesting.comYou can reach the person managing the list at rsm-owner at contesting.comWhen replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of RSM digest..."Today's Topics: 1. NAQP CW Update (Cary Rubenfeld) 2. W3LPL forecast thru Sunday, Aug 1 (Art Boyars)----------------------------------------------------------------------Message: 1Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 14:19:57 -0500From: Cary Rubenfeld <carys1 at gmail.com>To: rsm <rsm at contesting.com>Subject: [RSM] NAQP CW UpdateMessage-ID: <CANSWbFZzaGvEWPGEVU_P4wP+4xPauAoLHXiz_HLLiuJAoVKuZA at mail.gmail.com>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"We now have the start of a (5 person) RSM NAQP-CW Team #1:Jack K0JP, Gerry VE4CDX and David VE4DLWhere are the others?C'mon Kelly, Rob, Sam, Bart, Todd, Rod, Art, Jessy, Axel, John, Chris,etc. <--- let's get the teams going!(and yes, even our "uni-directional" RAC Director) Uncle Sam wants you! Imean RSM...You don't have to be a VE4 to be on a team. You don't even have to be amember of RSM either.Details available at: https://ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf------------------------------Message: 2Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 08:45:35 -0400From: Art Boyars <artboyars at gmail.com>To: rsm <rsm at contesting.com>Subject: [RSM] W3LPL forecast thru Sunday, Aug 1Message-ID: <CAJFNq0Fa+oF9u7svo8yi8ZpOGgbxX9-izvXcuTybyR0wDEYR5Q at mail.gmail.com>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"From: donovanf at erols.comTo: PVRC <pvrc at mailman.qth.net>Cc:Bcc:Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 01:52:15 -0400 (EDT)Subject: [PVRC] Mostly normal but near solar minimum propagation is likelythrough Sunday August 1stMy propagation forecast derived from today's NOAA/SWPCweb pages is published five days a week (M-F) in the Daily DX.Propagation crossing low and mid latitudes is likely to be normalthrough Sunday.Propagation crossing the auroral ovals and polar regions is likelyto be mostly normal through Sunday.Click *here* <https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/planetary-k-index.gif> for today?s latest planetary Kp Index, updated every three hours.Click *here* <http://www.hamqsl.com/solar.html> for N0NBH?s current HF BandConditions, updated regularly.We are in the quiet geomagnetic activity season, only about halfas many geomagnetically disturbed days occur in July comparedto the more geomagnetically active equinox seasons.Sporadic-E propagation will be shorter duration and less reliablethrough mid August at mid-latitudes in the northern hemispheremaking long distance propagation up to about 8,000 kmintermittently available in the 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meter bandsfrom a few hours after sunrise until a few hours after sunset.The solar flux index (SFI) is likely to be 76 or less through Sunday.The sun is spotless for the first time in nearly three months.https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_1024_0171.jpg160 and 80 meter propagation from North America to VK/ZLand the south Pacific is likely to be seasonably normal throughSunday. 40 meter short path propagation to south Asia at about0015Z is likely to be mostly normal through Sunday. 40 metershort path propagation from North America to east Asia afterabout 0930Z is likely to be mostly normal through Sunday.30 meter propagation through the auroral ovals and polar regionsis likely to be mostly normal through Sunday. 30 meter propagationis always significantly degraded within a few hours of local noonbecause of E-region blanketing of long distance F2 propagation.30 meter night time long distance propagation in the northernhemisphere is likely to improve due to increased ionizing solarradiation in the northern high latitude regions caused by moderatelyhigher solar elevation angles and fairly short nights with no sourceof ionizing solar radiation.20 meter daytime and evening propagation through the auroral ovalsand polar regions is likely to be mostly normal through Sunday.20 meter northern transpolar propagation within a few hours ofsunrise and sunset is improving with longer duration solar ionizingradiation on the northern polar region caused by relatively high solarelevation angles 24 hours per day during the waning midnight sunseason. 20 meter long distance propagation is significantly degradedfrom mid-morning through late afternoon at low and mid-latitudesin the northern hemisphere by F1 region mid-day blanketing oflow angle long distance propagation during the summer. 20 meterlate afternoon, nighttime and early morning long distance propagationin the northern hemisphere is likely to improve due to increasedionizing solar radiation in the northern high latitude regions causedby moderately high solar elevation angles and fairly short nightswith no source of ionizing solar radiation.17 and 15 meter daytime long distance propagation in the northernhemisphere is likely to slightly improve due to increased ionizingsolar radiation in the northern high latitude regions caused bymoderately high solar elevation angles and fairly long summer days.17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meter sporadic-E propagation up to 8,000 kmis likely to be intermittent, short duration and unreliable from a fewhours after sunrise until a few hours after sunset through mid August.Geomagnetic disturbances *caused by coronal hole high speed stream*effects are likely to remain mostly brief, minor and somewhat lessfrequent through at least late 2021. The southward oriented (-Bz)component of the IMF plays a *crucial but unpredictable role* intriggering all geomagnetic storms. Brief minor to moderategeomagnetic storms may be gradually triggered when the IMFpersists in a southward orientation (-Bz) with enhanced IMF fieldstrength for several hours *coincident with* the effects of an Earthdirected *coronal hole high speed stream*. More frequent, longerduration, minor to severe geomagnetic storms may be triggered*suddenly* *and unpredictably *when the IMF persists in a southwardorientation (-Bz) with enhanced IMF field strength for several hoursor more *coincident with* the effects of an Earth directed fast CME.The solar wind is likely to be slightly to moderately elevated due topossible minor coronal hole high speed stream effects throughSunday and a possible glancing blow by a CME on Sunday. Thegeomagnetic field is likely to be quiet to unsettled through Sundaydue to possible minor coronal hole high speed stream effects. Briefintervals of active geomagnetic conditions are possible throughSunday. There is isolated chance of minor storm intervals especiallyon Sunday due to a chance of a glancing blow by a CME on Sunday.Solar flares strong enough to affect HF propagation are not likelythrough Sunday.Mid-latitude northern hemisphere sunset is now 17 minutes earlierand daylength is 40 minutes shorter than it was on the June 21st.Daylength and solar elevation angle in the northern polar regionare steadily declining due to steadily diminishing summer solsticeeffects.Click *here* <https://www.spaceweather.gc.ca/solarflux/sx-4-en.php> for today?sPenticton 10.7 cm solar flux index updated at 1700Z, 2000Z and 2300Z daily.Click *here*<https://spaceweather.gfz-potsdam.de/fileadmin/ruggero/Kp_forecast/forecast_figures/KP_FORECAST_CURRENT.png>for today?sthree-day GFZ Planetary K Index forecast updated every three hours.Click *here* <http://sidc.oma.be/products/meu/> for today's SIDC DailyBulletin on Solar and Geomagnetic Activity updated at 1230Z daily.Click *here* <https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/forecast-discussion>for today'sSWPC Solar Activity Forecast Discussion updated at 0030Z and 1230Z daily.Click *here* <https://www.sws.bom.gov.au/Space_Weather/1/1> for today'sAustralian Space Forecast Centre Summary and Forecast updated at 2330Zdaily.Perhaps the most useful HF propagation pages for DXers can be found at:http://dx.qsl.net/propagation and http://www.solarham.net<http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>Virus-free.www.avg.com<http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail><#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>------------------------------Subject: Digest Footer_______________________________________________RSM mailing listRSM at contesting.comhttp://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rsm------------------------------End of RSM Digest, Vol 58, Issue 19***********************************
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