[RSM] Unassisted Challenge

Cary Rubenfeld carys1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 15:25:36 EDT 2021

You didn’t miss anything, David. The CQ WPX Awards Committee decided to
combine both the assisted and unassisted categories into one.  In other
words, your unassisted score and entry would be included and ranked with
assisted scores.

That’s not fair to you.  Basically, the incentive to operate unassisted is
gone if you’re forced to compete with assisted entrants.

There are many operators (like yourself) who prefer to operate unassisted.
What Axel and Danny have done is create a separate award program, outside
of or in addition to the CW WPX awards, one for high power and one for low

To be eligible, all you have to do is submit a copy of your log to the
unassisted.org website in addition to CQ WPX.    Check the email and
websites for the correct log submission addresses.

Good luck in CQWPX SSB this weekend, 73,  Cary

Topic 2: Cary, this looks like I've missed one or two prior emails on the
subject. I do intend to operate unassisted for CQ WPX, what is it you want?

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