[RSM] W3LPL Prop Reports

Gord Kosmenko gord.kosmenko at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 16:16:34 EDT 2021

Hello RSM Fellows,

Frank's Prop Report is cool and his reporting is concise and he establishes
a good connection to HF for RSM needs.

I have been carefully digesting Frank's report and then thinking it thru to
align it with what I have experienced at 53 deg north latitude (sub-polar
region) in 32 years of HF contesting from my current QTH.

And that's the "magic" to take these reports and then correlate it to your
specific location and station hardware.

The more information I have the better I can make some operating decisions
when it comes to contesting and chasing DX.

BTW, last night I put (4) Europenas in the log on 160M CW from 0245Z to
It seemed to be "spot prop" into SM, OH. Other stations G3, OM were at ESP
levels at this QTH.

73, Gord VE6SV

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