[RSM] FW: "How to Earn 8 Band DXCC from a Small Lot"

ed_richardson at shaw.ca ed_richardson at shaw.ca
Mon Nov 8 08:51:36 EST 2021

Received the following invitation and passing it on to the group.


Ed Richardson



Please join us and our special guest speaker for the Madison DX Club program on Tuesday,  November 9th at 6:30pm CST:


"How to Earn 8 Band DXCC from a Small Lot"
  Presented by

Christian Bravo, W4ALF


At our November  meeting we will have as our presenter, W4ALF. Chris will discuss how one can achieve great DX results from a small lot, without contest station mega antennas.  Please take the time to read his QRZ page: https://www.qrz.com/db/w4alf  There you will find links to articles as well as many pictures. Of his station, antennas, and his mobile bike station.

Time: Our Zoom host,  Kevin Shea, N9JKP, will be online from 5:45 Central Standard Time to socialize before the business meeting begins and to provide time to work through any technical issues. 


A brief business meeting will begin at 6:00 Central Standard Time. The program will begin immediately following the meeting at 6:30 Central Standard Time, sharp  (00:30 UTC, Nov. 10th).

All interested hams are welcome.

To Join the Zoom Meeting and Program simply use this link:

 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__us02web.zoom.us_j_83181396616-3Fpwd-3DdUIrdWo3bE45T0xyUkZOS2xKdDBIZz09&d=DwMFaQ&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=1uyxN76ZyWKrcUy0TAQYzw&m=5YE2gq1gw4fULYlxrFOFNnSsdCTwr7SliIKgRcqdQRc&s=rSQ7XS3YcuSWMqOmylmNRh0AWTiAVJ93a9hsyY8e5Mc&e=> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83181396616?pwd=dUIrdWo3bE45T0xyUkZOS2xKdDBIZz09

Meeting ID: 831 8139 6616

Password: 124658


Hope to see you all on Zoom, Tuesday evening.

Kevin Shea, N9JKP

President, Madison DX Club

n9jkp at arrl.net <mailto:n9jkp at arrl.net> 

Web site: Madison DX Club <http://www.madisondxclub.org/> 

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