[RSM] ARRL 160M 'Test -- report to RSM from the East Coast

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 15:32:36 EST 2023

It appears from many reports on 3830scores.com that condx were pretty bad
here.  I did not even get MN in my four hours of operation.

I did hear one local Big-ish Gun multi-op runner say "VE4DX?".  I asked
them after the contest if they did log him.  Yup!  Good going, Jesse.

I did work a new-to-me ONN, whose call I  am not revealing (but maybe I'll
send him a box of cookies).

Maybe see you in ARRL 10M 'Test this weekend.

73, Art K3KU/VE4VTR


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