[RSM] RadioSport Manitoba (RSM) - Proposed Change, Meeting Date

John Romanec ve4vjr at gmail.com
Sat Jul 29 23:39:37 EDT 2023

Good for me.


On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 9:26 PM Cary Rubenfeld <carys1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> *Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!*
> *Thank you to all who replied (to the affirmative) about changing our
> meeting dates to the 3rd Monday of the month.  *
> *We have another change. The Senior's Club requests that we consider
> making our meeting date **the 3rd Tuesday of the Month**. Derek Hay
> VE4HAY and club directors have promised fresh flowers and warm cinnamon
> buns at every meeting if we agree.  And if not, he's prepared to ".. make
> us an offer we can't refuse...."  *
> *Sorry for the change in plans.  Does anyone have an issue if we move our
> meeting day to the 3rd Tuesday of each month?  Meeting will be a
> combination of virtual (zoom) and in-person using the facilities of the
> WSRC (Winnipeg Senior's Radio Club) board room.  *
> *73,,  Cary R. VE4EA*
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Cary Rubenfeld <carys1 at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 at 10:50
> Subject: RadioSport Manitoba (RSM) - Proposed Change, Meeting Date
> To: rsm <rsm at contesting.com>
> Hello Everybody
> I hope everyone is having a good summer.
> I'm writing on behalf of our president, Ed Richardson VE4VT/EAR who is
> enjoying some well needed vacation time, prior to his trip to Halifax as
> our Saskatchewan/Manitoba RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada)  regional director.
> At our June meeting we discussed moving to a combination of virtual (zoom)
> and in-person meeting using the newly renovated general board room of the
> WSRC (Winnipeg Senior's Radio Club) aka "The Firehall"
> The boardroom is equipped with a TV and video capabilities that are
> currently also being used by other local radio clubs.  The meeting room is
> already in use for our traditional second Thursday of the month meeting
> day.  Mondays is the only day that's currently available for boardroom use.
> Does anyone have a problem if we move our meeting day to the *3rd Monday
> of the month?*  We'd like to hear from as many people as possible either
> by email or on our #general lack channel to make sure the 3rd Monday is
> convenient.
> 73 and thanks for your time.
> Cary R.  VE4EA
> for *RadioSport Manitoba (RSM)*

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