WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 14:19:48 -0500

         QSOs     Points      DX:   Call Areas
80m:       0           0       0             0
40m:      14         135       3             9
20m:      58         645      16            12
15m:     205        2805      47            12
10m:       8         115       4             1

Total:   285        3700

Total multipliers: 104

Score:  384,800

WriteLog v10.27G, switching between Rttyrite and MMTTY
MARK-V and AL-1200, 150-1300W
C31XR at 72 ft and 265 ft Carolina Windom 160

Partial effort, lots of fun!  15M seemed to be where most of the action was,
and I got some new DX in this one.  Lots of activity from Africa - hope they
are all there when the next continent mult contest comes along!

I tried to move to 10M for Don and a Russian, but didn't make it with either
of them.