[RTTY] Speaking of JAs 599 etc
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 22:02:06 -0600
Hello All:
In the last minute of the SARTG contest I heard GW4JBQ calling CQ, so I
quickly thew out a DE VE6RAJ VE6RAJ. Both GW4JBQ and GW4SKA came back to
me. I guess they were both CQing on the same frequency. Anyway I think I
worked Julian, sorry John. This will Bill's contest tools a work out.
I worked 208 contacts and 5 dupes in 24 hours. in actual QSO time thats
about 3 hours work. Lets keep the 599 for now till we start running out
of time. If we eliminate the 599 I will have to figure out a way to
occupy myself for another half hour. Personally I like to see some
unique info sent with each exchange like the serial number. You have to
copy it and you have to get it right.