[RTTY] Bandwidth of a RTTY signal (was:SO2R RTTY Radio)
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 23:34:55 +0200
> At 10:17 PM 8/28/01 +0200, Ekki wrote:
> >> If possible, use a 250 Hz filter for RTTY. 500 Hz is ok for Pactor but
> >> unnecessarily wide for RTTY.
> >
> >I beg to differ :-)
> Well I beg to differ )!
> I have used 250 Hz filters in my final IF for RTTY operation since 1985 or
> so in contests. I have used them with Icom 751, Icom 761, Icom
> 765, Kenwood
> 850, Yaesu FT-1000, Icom 706, Kenwood 940, Kenwood 930, Yaesu 990. All
> stock manuf. filters.
[more deleted]
I didn't say that 250Hz filters wont work at all :-) It's just that theory
suggests that 250Hz could be too narrow. I know that real world filters
never have 250 as exact cutoff edges (as mentioned in my post).
Stock CW filters, all right, so why does Icom sell a "RTTY" filter @ 350Hz ?
Anyway, everybody uses what's best for him or her, as long as everybody has
fun and good contest results (as Bill, W7TI to whose post i responded,
obviously has :-)
Ekki, DF4OR