Frank Hunt ditdah@infogen.net.nz
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 00:45:02 +1300

Conditions seemed good to me, but couldn't find much activity on the 
bands that were open for dx. 10m was in good shape and could hear 
about a dozen plus North American beacons, but very little rtty.

It was great to find that on 20m and 15m the long path was open to 
NA, and all but one of my 20 NA contacts on these bands were via long 
path, with the winners being W7NN on 20m - a trip of about 33,000km, 
and VA7CC on 15m - a trip of 34,000km! - thanks guys. Only a couple 
of EU stations worked, 9A and CT, the rest were around S-0.01 

Around 1000am, 20m and 15m started their normal midday siesta, so it 
was back again to 10m to see the contest out. The last 3 hours, 1200 
to 1500 local, were very slow - 210 CQ calls and 3 contacts. AK0A was 
'the' big signal.

Someone commented that they didn't hear much JA activity, well there 
were at least 5 JA's plus 1 HL station active.

To conclude let me say, it was a nice way,
to spend a few hours on a quiet Sunday,
so thanks for the contacts here are my numbers,
the're small not big, but honest and humble (sic).

Band   Qso   M_NA/VE   M_DX
20m    11    7         3
15m    12    8         2
10m    48    23        3
All    71    28*       6*
(*once only)
Claimed Score: 2414

73, Frank ZL2BR