Dick Whittering dick@bartg.demon.co.uk
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 18:53:07 +0000

I had hoped to have a good few hours in this contest, but it seemed that
every 30 minutes of so, the laptop told me I had a fatal error, the XYL
wanted this or that doing before Christmas, and 28 megs was full of CW
guys all having a bash in the ARRL contest..
So, with all the above, I ended up spending the odd 20 minutes here and
there, trying to get a decent score together, and failing miserably!
The only plus to all this is that I achieved the same score as Eddie did
last year.

The damage:
Band    QSO     Pnts    DXCC    OK
7       17      54      13      2
14      21      23      18      3
21      25      28      17      2
Totals  63      105     48      7

Claimed score: a massive 35,280

Rig:    Icom 746
Power:  30 watts
Ant:    Dipole
S/ware: MMTTY
pc:     IBM 166 laptop
Logging: Pencil and Paper

May I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
73s.. Dick.. G3URA..
Chairman BARTG..
"BARTG, looking after everyone's Data interests."