[RTTY] SARTG Happy New Year Contest Jan 1

Ewe H�kansson SM7BHM sm7bhm@kristianstad.mail.telia.com
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 18:54:14 +0100

SARTG New Year Contest 2002

08.00 � 11.00 UTC    1 januari 2002

Class A: Singel Operator all band 80m + 40m
Class B: Multi Operator singel TX all band 80m + 40m
Class C: SWL all band 80m + 40m
DX-spotting and use of cluster is allowed in all class.
Exchange: RST + QSO number, starting with 001 + name + Happy New Year in your native language.
QSO points: One (1) point per QSO. Same station can be worked once per band.
Multipliers: Each DXCC country on each band expect Scandinavia and each prefix figure in Scandinavia.
 (SM1, SM2, SM3, OZ1, LA1, OH! Etc) will count as one (1) multiplier on each band.
 Scandinavia includes JW, JX, LA, OH, OX, OY, OZ , SM and TF
Scoring: Sum of each points X sum of multipliers = Total score
Awards: To the top five (5) stations in each class and to winners in each country if the number
of QSO is resonable.
Logs: use seperate logs for each band, log must show: Band, date/time (utc), callsign, message sent and received, multipliers and qso-points.
Summary sheet  show scoring, class, your callsign, name and adress. Multi-op stations must show the callsign  and name of all operators.
Please advice of any club participation, your score will be added to the agrega score of your club.
Logs deadline: logs must be received by januari 31 to qualify.

 Mail logs to: SM7BHM Ewe H�kansson
 Pilspetsvagen 4
 SE-291 66 Kristianstad
 e-mail: sm7bhm@svessa.se