[RTTY] Enough Already!
Marty Tippin
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 12:16:37 -0700 (PDT)
Would it be too much to ask for all the "test" and "for Ray's a jolly good
fellow" type messages to STOP!
If you want to express you gratitude to WF1B, then send him a private e-mail. I
think we can all agree that WF1B is great software, that Ray is an earth-bound
deity, etc. etc. No need to constantly keep repeating it here.
If you're getting messages from the rtty@contesting.com reflector, you're
subscribed and all is well, no need for tests. If you really think you need to
"test" the reflector, compose something interesting and related to RTTY and
post it.
Out of probably 30 e-mails today from this reflector, there hasn't been a
single one worth reading. I did my best to keep quiet but the last check of my
inbox revealed 4 messages -- 2 test, 2 goodby Ray.
Don't make me go postal here!
-Marty NW0L
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