[RTTY] QTC's for beginners - an idea

Phil Cooper Phil Cooper" <pcooper@guernsey.net
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 17:54:03 -0000

Hi one and all..................

Well, with the rush of emails from folk who don't fancy playing in WAE
because they don't fancy the QTC's, here is a simple suggestion for those of
you who use WF1B.

Why not simply SEND them instead of receiving them??
Remember, you can only send to someone outside your own continent! WF1B
won't allow you to make this mistake! It beeps and tells you NO!

(I don't know how Writelog operates, so perhaps one of you WL guru's can do
a similar thing for that bit of software???)
If you are just using MMTTY, then I don't know of a way to handle QTC, so
just make a buffer that says SRI - NO QTC.

So, start off by just making plenty of QSO's, as you need these to be able
to send QTC. QTC's are sent in batches of 10, and although you could
actually send any number less than this, however, it is much easier to
handle if you send in blocks of 10.

Once you have a good few QSO's in the log, and someone asks you for QTC,
elect to SEND!
(At this point, you must have his callsign in the logging field). Also, make
sure you have good signals between you. There is no point trying to send
QTC's to someone that can barely print!

Once it is agreed that you will SEND them, hit Ctrl-S.
That brings up the QTC window. All the info you need is listed there on the
bottom right of the screen.
Hit Alt-Q to send ARE YOU QRV?, then when he says yes, press Alt-A to send
them all.
If he asks you for - say - set 5, just hit F5. If he wants set 6, hit F6 etc
etc. That will send each line individually.
Once he has acknowledged that he has them all, then you press Ctrl-Enter to
log them to disk.

And that's all there is to sending QTC's. And - you get 10 mults for that!!!
Watch a few in progress, and you'll see the etiquette involved. It ain't
rocket science!

Not only that, but there is a good chance of working Gerd as HK0??? on San

If anyone wants to know how to receive, drop me an email, and we can sort

I do hope this isn't going to antagonise loads of folk, but there is only
one way to learn, and that is with a bit of help!
The above is a very basic set of instructions for WF1B, and there are
refinements that can be made, but that is probably enough to get you going.

Have fun, and PLEASE DO participate in the contest!

73 for now