Gerd Uhlig
Gerd Uhlig" <dl7vog@snafu.de
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 18:21:38 -0000
Hello all,
I agree with Barry about QTCs (as I already stated in former e-mails).
Okay on automated QTCs - why not - RTTY can't be done with any keyer or even
two "banana plugs".
I never heard any guy complaining about automated (computerized) CW.
Nowadays one
barely has to move more than one finger to log and to send any message in a
CW contest. ;-))
Not too long ago I used only my keyer in any contest and logged the QSOs
into my computer for the evaluation.
It has changed slightly =(:-)) since then - but I do NOT hope that
computers are
able to do contests itselves once in a while, just switch it on, tell it,
what contest is going on and look from time to time how the score is
growing. Awful thinking.
I think that QTCs also help you over boring periods and to stay awake when
QSO rate slows down (at least for the serious participants in the WAEDC) -
all in all no bad idea.
73 and until the WAEDC weekend with QTCs from HK0...
Gerd / DL7VOG
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: "Barry " <w2up@mindspring.com>
An: "Frank Hunt" <ditdah@infogen.net.nz>; "RTTY Contest"
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. November 2001 12:24
Betreff: Re: [RTTY] WAEDC RTTY Contest
> On 1 Nov 01, Frank Hunt wrote:
> > Kok Chen wrote:
> > > But we know that the big RTTY ops just use a canned program which
> > > picks the stored QSO, set up the sequence number of the QTC, etc.
> > > Everything is automated in the spirit of getting more points quickly.
> > > the receiving end, the data is also gobbled up by a robot.
> >
> > And so it seems that no skill is required just the the money to buy
> > the software. Maybe this is why we don't need qtc's in a RTTY contest?
> >
> > Frank, ZL2BR
> > _______________________________________________
> That's like saying why bother having contests on more than one
> band. All you need to do is pay the money to put up enough
> antennas for 5 bands...
> QTCs accomplish several things:
> 1. It goes back to our "roots," i.e., traffic handling
> 2. It adds to the "action" in a RTTY contest where you may get
> bored due to lack of activity (true of most RTTY contests except
> WW and Roundup).
> 3. It gives you the opportunity to get 11 QSO points out of every 1
> point QSO.
> 4. It adds to contest strategy - run vs. QTC vs which band, etc.
> One recommendation for QTCs, from past experience. Try not to
> do QTCs on 80m the first night. I find it very tough with all the noise
> on that band, when it will be so easy on 10-20m the following
> morning.
> 73,
> Barry
> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
> Newtown, PA Frankford Radio Club
> _______________________________________________
> RTTY mailing list
> RTTY@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rtty