[RTTY] Update info for SW requested...
Bruce Miller
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 06:21:59 -0600
I have been out of circulation - off the air for some time.
ready to try to get back into the fray.
I have been getting the RTTY list, but have lost the link to where to find
the software updates for Ron's software.
Also since I am now running WIN2000 Pro on my workstations in the office
(doubles as radio shack on weekends) I am looking for CT or other
contesting SW that will run under this OS for voice contesting.
I just passed on my older Kenwood TS-820 to a new ham here and hope we can
start a "team effort" from Gallon Jug for contesting.
Any help or pointing to web sites will be appreciated.
Thanks from the jungles of Belize