Wayne huffew@yahoo.com
Wed, 14 Nov 2001 14:13:25 -0800 (PST)

  I thought I would send this to the reflector because I answer it
direct before, but think there may be more that might want to read
  In RTTY by WF1B.  You start QTC by CTRL-S (to send one).  A short 2
inch screen pops up at the bottom of the screen with your ten QTC's
listed.  You see a menu in the right hand portion as follow:
ALT-Q     QRV?  (are you ready)
ALT-A     Send all QTC's
F#        For the # he wants repeated
CTRL-<ENTER>  When done (after he acknowledges as RCVD OK
ALT-C to cancel
  I hope this helps, to receive them it is similar but start with
CTRL_R to receive them.
Wayne from Maine, KC1YF

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