[RTTY] virus warning??

AE9D ae9d@FoxValley.net
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 18:23:34 -0000

I received one email like you describe, but I've stripped this computer of
almost everything except contesting software, so none of these automatic
applications can run.  Hah on the spammers!

73, Rick - AE9D
ARRL, SMC, CCC, AMA 676573

-----Original Message-----
From: WA9ALS - John <wa9als@starband.net>
To: rtty@contesting.com <rtty@contesting.com>
Date: Monday, November 26, 2001 17:17
Subject: [RTTY] virus warning??

>I've gotten at least 3 emails from this list this morning with attachments
>that cause a windows download box to display briefly right after the email
>title shows in the list.  They are not from the same person.  Something's
>wrong, and I don't like to see things downloading onto my computer - Anyone
>else seeing any of this???
>RTTY mailing list