[RTTY] Fw: KTIS VIRUS ALERT: Email Worm "BadTrans"

Dick White KS0M@ktis.net
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 15:57:06 -0600

I got the following message from my server today and thought it was worth
passing on.

Dick  -  KS0M

Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 10:37 AM
Subject: KTIS VIRUS ALERT: Email Worm BadTrans">
> Helsinki, Finland, November 26, 2001 - F-Secure Corporation
> (HEX:FSC) is
> alerting computer users worldwide of an email worm called > BadTrans.B.
> According to F-Secure, this worm is spreading fast through email  messages
and  installs a spying Trojan component to steal information from  infected
> The worm was spotted in Europe on Saturday,  November 24. It is  expected
to  keep on spreading significantly faster than the average worms,  because
 many systems it is capable of executing automatically when an  infected
email  is read.
> Badtrans spreads via e-mail, by locating all unread messages from  a
systems  e-mail inbox and replying to them. The messages have no content,
and the  subject field is typically just "RE: ". There is an attachment
file called  WHATEVER.EXE, but on systems with Internet Explorer 5.01
installed, the user  never sees the attachment before it is automatically
> Because of  the  US Thanksgiving holiday , many users have a higher than
usual  number of  unread mails in their in-box, making the worm spread even
more  widely than
> would normally be the case.
> Badtrans drops a spying Trojan into infected systems. This  Trojan, which
is  detected as Trojan.PSW.Hooker, will monitor keyboard activity,   log
system  passwords and send them out via email. Otherwise the worm won't
> try to  delete  files or generate massive amounts of network traffic.