Waldemar DK3VN
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 19:32:16 +0200
Joe Wittmer wrote:
> CQ/RJ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY
> Call: KB9SIZ
> Class: SOLP
> Operating Time (hrs): About 25 hours
> Station Description: Elecraft K2 - about 7 watts max
> Antenna(s): Open Wire - Inverted V about 45 feet
> Remarks:
> Working HC8N on all bands (10, 15, 20, and 40) was the highlight for me!
> Also, logged Argentina and JA on 10m in the last 10 minutes of the test - on
> 7 watts!
> .....
> Thanks to all for working the weak signal from the cornfields!
> 73 DE Joe KB9SIZ
> .....
Hi Joe,
you are surrounded by cornfields? I hope you have a lot of free space
over there? Then you should think about a >>real<< long wire in the sence
of looooooooong! A minimum of 5 x wavelenght (better 10 x) of the lowest
band, which you want to use with this antenna. Or what's about a rhombic?
If you have enough free spave in the North/East direction and your looooong
wire or rhombic is "beaming" 45 degrees, then you will be loud here in
Europe, even with 7 Watts. If I remember right, in "The ARRL Antenna Book"
is a chapter with some informations. All what you need, is freeeeeeee
space, some wire, a few wooden masts, feeding line and the right matchbox;
no tall mast and a lot of aluminium ($$$$) in a fixed direction to EU. ;-)
73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
Check RWRL on http://www.qsl.net/dk3vn mailto:dk3vn@darc.de
German DX Foundation #207 http://www.gdxf.de
Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low!