Roman Loparev Roman Loparev <un5pr@mail.kz>
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 09:52:55 +0700

CQ WW RTTY Contest

Call used: UP5P (Op. UN5PR)
Location: Kazakhstan, Central Asia

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band, High Power

Band    QSOs   Pts   QTH    DX  Zones
80       155   439     0    39    11
40       231   643     3    52    19
20       530  1498    44    83    29
15       659  1873    42    84    33
10       461  1254    19    79    29
Total   2036  5707   108   337   121


Claimed Score: 3230162

Power Output: 500

Club Participation: 

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct
and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the
decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date ___/___/___  Signature ____________________________Call __________

e-mail: un5pr@mail.kz

Romeo Y. Loparev
P.O.Box 73
Temirtau  472300
Rep. of Kazakhstan

Nice contest. Very good activity. First time make over 2000 qso in
RTTY contest. Good activity on all bands. Good propagation to all
directions except North that is why not so many QSO and mults from
North America. On 10m NA was only first day. Very strange propagation
on 10m second day - all Japanese stations was with great signals (S9
and more), but all Europe was through LP and very weak and only during
our evening South Europe was through SP and with great signals,
unfortunantely USA didn`t open second day on 10m. Good activity from
zones 22 and 26 - 4 different HS stations and 3 different VU stations,
thanks VU2WAP for 5 band QSO and new country on 80m RTTY. Where is
African stations? Only IG9A - 5 bands, CT9L - 4 bands, FR5GS - 2
bands, 1 ZS and nice surprise C98DC on 21 MHz. Nobody from zones 34,35
and 36. Beat last year A61AJ result, this year compete with JY9NX
(thanks for 5 band QSO), but he in SOA class. Big surprised when
9M6US, HS0/G3NOM and BD5RI called me on 40m - rare multipliers, thanks
to TI5U for new one on 15m RTTY. Many stations worked on 4 or 5 bands,
even P40MM and HO1A was on 4 bands. Thanks to all participants and see
you in next RTTY contest.

Romeo  UN5PR / UP5P        mailto:un5pr@mail.kz
Microsoft Certified Professional

RTTY forever