[RTTY] K0BX CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest 2001

k0bx@qsl.net k0bx@qsl.net
Wed, 03 Oct 2001 01:28:29 +0000

CQ World-Wide RTTY DX Contest 2001

CALL: K0BX                                             
       Single Op. Assisted (all band only) High Power        
 	 QSOs	Points	Zones	DX:	States	Multipliers	Score
80m: 	   0				
40m:	  62	117	11	22	20
20m:	  96	203	21	37	25
15m:	 105	253	24	38	19
10m:	 183	451	21	45	16
Total:	446	1024	77	142	80	299	306176
Station Description: 
Antenna(s): Force 12, 13 element 5-10, 3-25,3-20, 2-40 39' boom at 72'
Rig:  Kenwood TS-850S/AT
Amp:  Henry 4K @ 1498 Watts
Software:  Writelog with MMTTY
I was only able to operate Friday night for a few hours and 8 hours on
Conditions seems to be really good both days.
I had a couple of good runs, but the best was Saturday morning between
10 and 11 am
local.  I had a clear path to Europe on 10 meters and make 96 q's. But I
to quit and take the xyl to lunch!!
I just wish everyone/thing would leave me alone for the weekend.
Cu in next test.
Joe K0BX