Frank Hunt
Sat, 6 Oct 2001 00:20:06 +1200
CQ/RJ RTTY Contest
Single-op, All-band, Low-power
100watts, 3-el triband yagi and separate GP's for 40,20 & 10m.
Band QSO's Pts S/P DX Zones
40 48 139 10 24 17
20 167 495 32 45 22
15 150 441 29 41 21
10 191 564 38 29 17
Total 556 1639 109 139 77
Claimed Score: 532675
Seeing a lot postings on this list and 3830 from calls with higher qso
numbers than me who I never worked, I could almost believe I was in
a different contest to them. Maybe this contest could be split into two
sections, a) North America/Europe and b) the rest of the world.
Anyway, enough of that, for me 28MHz was <italic>the </italic>band, with a good
opening to Europe SP on Saturday evening plus NA both days 0900-
1200. 21MHz was also good for SP Europe on Saturday evening,
but on Sunday evening it was a case of QSB99. Propagation to
South America on 21/28 was poorer than normal for this time of year,
with no SA contacts on those bands. 20m was very
good/average/poor/very lousy. Many thanks to KI1G, N5IN and
AD1C for the spots! And of course thanks to the organisers and
everyone who answered me or called me. I will have to miss the
JARTS, gotta go camping with 100 plus Scouts, and help train them
up for our forthcoming Jamboree. It's JOTA weekend as well, but
won't have time for that either.
Now if I may be allowed - a wee promo. The Oceania Contest CW
is coming up on Oct 13/14, and this year, publicity and promotional
effort has been directed into getting more Oceania stations on the air
than in recent years. So if you need a break from RTTY for 24
hours, please come and join in.
Info at www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/update/contests/oceania/
Frank, ZL2BR