[RTTY] RE: Chen's view of the conditions!
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:35:31 -0600
Mobile Workshop wrote:
> Hi to Chen and the group........
> Just a little observation from the contest that I didn't put in my score.
> Sometime on Sunday afternoon (1500UTC ish) I saw Raj calling CQ for all he
> was worth, but I just couldn't get you to hear my call! Don AA5AU was well
> down in the muck on 20m, and yet several VK's were real easy to work, and
Hi Phil:
Well obviously I am not worth very much. I had a tough time getting
through the aurora into Europe. I seem to always have a tough time
working you Phil. Believe me, this time I needed the mult. Rates were
like 10 an hour or less, tuning across the band revelealed no new
stations. I had quit at 2000 on Sunday, but looking in the rear view
mirror, I could see the wolves snapping at my heels. So I fired up and
went at it again.
There is a dearth of call signs. Many QSOs logged where the calling
station only sent their call sign once throughout the whole exchange.
Right or wrong they are in the log.
Worst case of auroura borealis flutterus ever heard here in 5 years. I
could hear many signals that were S2 to S4 but couldn't get them to
print. I even tried the REV button. But alas when I ask for an "AGAIN??"
or a "CALL? CALL??" they only send their call sign once. I even had
trouble with W6s and some other US stations. A lot of signals sounded
like WFSK or whaterver that wobbly tone is that you hear around 14080.
Please make up a bufffer with your call sign in it 3 or 4 times. If a
station asks for a repeat then use the longer buffer, or else hit your
regular buffer two ar three times.
Coincidental with this is: if I have trouble copying your call sign, I
will probably have trouble with the exchange. Many times I copied,
599-61-62. I ask for a repeat, and I get 599-61-62. Make up a buffer
that says "AGE 61 61 61-61-61" It is faster in the long run for both the
CQer and the CQee.
Looking forward to WAE.