WA9ALS - John
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:24:19 -0500
Much fun part time effort from much-changed shack. I sold my AL-1200 and
did a mega-trade of both my PRO and MARK-V for a PROII and the PW-1. This
contest was sort of a breaking-in exercise for the new stuff and it's
operator. Nothing on 10M - amp mod not done yet! The PW-1 is a dream.
"Only" 1000W, but with it's built-in tuner, 4-antenna switch with memory
tracking the rig and WriteLog, no tubes, and a cool case, it's a QSY and go
operator's dream. In some contests, gonna have to watch those band changes
and that 200W-maximum between 21.1-21.3 - You -do- watch that, right?
As others have said, MMTTY with WL copied some ephemeral stuff FB! Even
snagged Chen making warbly noises from Portland near the end by printing
AA6TY instead of making me think about AA6TT! I almost thought it was
MFSK16! Without comparing them side by side, I would say MMTTY rivals RITTY
easily, and I don't regret the change to WIN2000 one tiny bit. I almost
always leave MMTTY in the Fluttered Signals FIR profile. I was doing a dual
receive thing with a TNC, but have given up on that in favor of just using
MMTTY; the screen of the PRO provides a "backup" decode for those 599-61-62
exchanges anyway! HI
This was a relaxed, fun effort with the %H in the exchange to help remind me
of names and calls. I made a special buffer for "ROGER THE BIG FIVE-OH" but
didn't get to use it very often! I know this irritates those who can't
stand the slightest "extra" exchange time, but oh well. At least I didn't
send the CQer's call 3 times... I beamed JA at the appropriate times and
worked noticeably more than usual.
Age range 15-88. Happy to see Alan (WD9GMK) beat me from 25 miles away!
Total time = 8hrs, 49 min
QSOs Points DX Call Areas
80m: 1 2 0 1
40m: 14 29 2 9
20m: 97 211 12 17
15m: 191 526 40 21
10m: 0 0 0 0
Total: 303 768
Total multipliers: 102
Score: 78336
Antennas: C31XR at 72ft, R-7, Carolina Windom 160 (265 ft long)