[RTTY] 9G5KW QSL route??

Hill, Don dhill@cprk.com
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 13:07:46 -0600

Well, it's either K7XU or W7XU, my guess is W7XU since
it's listed twice and K7XU is listed only once.

If you can't find a QSL route via your normal reference,
you can always go to DX Summit and search the callsign to
see if someone that spotted the DX Station put the QSL 
route in the Comments field of the spot.


For 9G5KW, I found:

SP7IIT    21077.9 9G5KW       rtty, up 5
SM3BCS    21078.0 9G5KW                 
DL0WW     21077.0 9G5KW       rtty      
F5PBM     21080.0 9G5KW       vvia K7XU **RTTY**
F5LGF     21076.3 9G5KW        RTTY  simplex
PA0WRS    21078.0 9G5KW       RTTY correct call
K9RB      21077.9 9G5KW       RTTY
K5CON     14079.0 9G5KW       RTTY
WW3S      14078.0 9G5KW       fsk nw up 5-10
AC0M      14080.0 9G5KW       VIA W7XU RTTY
JA2GAD    21077.9 9G5KW       RTTY CQ
JH2HHJ    21077.9 9G5KW       
SM6AHS    21077.7 9G5KW       **RTTY**
AC0M      21080.0 9G5KW       RTTY
G4YVV     21077.9 9G5KW       RTTY  -  CQ CQ
OM3EY     21077.9 9G5KW       'RTTY' cq cq
HL3GOB    21079.0 9G5KW       RTTY VIA W7XU

This is not a 100% guaranteed way to find QSL information,
but can help in some instances.

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Cooper [mailto:pcooper@guernsey.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: [RTTY] 9G5KW QSL route??

Hi all,

Worked 9G5KW a while ago, and wonder what the QSL route is. Does anyone know
who is responsible for this one??

I did check all the usual sources, but the only reference I can find is for
W7XU, K5AND and W0SD between 27OCT and 04NOV, but no call is listed.

Anyone got any bright ideas??

Here's hopin'
73 de Phil GU0SUP

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