[RTTY] Post 9-11 QSLing tips
WA9ALS - John
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 21:26:55 -0500
For everyone's future QSLing consideration - Doing some more VP5RY QSLs this
evening, I note the following in this post 911 era:
1. Many SASEs don't have a return address! I feel compelled to write
something there so it won't look "suspicious" (AKA no return). I would
suggest putting your address in both the TO and FROM areas of the SASE.
2. I don't like glue that much in the first place, and these days am REALLY
not too keen on licking envelopes. Thus the ones that have peelNstick or
some other pre-glued flaps are greatly appreciated.
Every little help, helps! Tnx - 73