[RTTY] Which RTTY Program To Use ??
Andrew J. O'Brien
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 14:16:02 -0400
When you say "RTTY Program" do you mean a program that will SCORE your
contests? They only reliable one I know of that will do that is Writelog
check http://www.digitalham.net/ for links to it. My last playing around
with Writelog was some time ago, it was GREAT for contesting but its RTTY
interface was poor. I hear rumors that it now my have the MMMTTY engine
which would be great.
If by "RTTY PROGRAM" you mean software that will allow you to work RTTY,
MMTTY, Zakanaka, MixW, and Hamscope all do a good job.. Again check
http://www.digitalham.net/ for details . These do not have much contest
support however. MMTTY can be configured to work with WF1B's RTTY however.
K6STI's RITTY is usually rated the "best" RTTY program for pulling out weak
signals-(MMTTY a close second). Unlike MMTTY it costs money ($100 I think)
. RITTY can also be used with WF1B's RTTY, I think.
---- Original Message -----
From: "Richard W. Solomon" <w1ksz@tiac.net>
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 13:56
Subject: [RTTY] Which RTTY Program To Use ??
> I am looking for a RTTY program to replace WF1B. There
> should be something out there, but I haven't found one
> yet that makes me want to switch.
> I have looked at RCKRtty, WINTTY, and EZT.
> Now I won't get into discussions about these three, but I
> am open to look at others. Any suggestions ?
> I am a casual contester but ardent DX'er. I particularly
> like the buffers you can program (Macros some call them).
> And yes, I have been to the new RTTY web page.
> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
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