[RTTY] Off Topic - Need Advice on Receiving Antenna for 80M

Hill, Don dhill@cprk.com
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 14:17:06 -0500

Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but for this year's CQWW RTTY DX
I would like to use a better receiving antenna for 80M.

I have received several reports from stations in EU that I have a decent
80M signal when I am low power (approx. 80W output to an inverted V with
apex at 60 ft.)  So my little homebrew wire antenna seems to transmit
fine, but it does not receive well.

Behind my house, someone cleared out all the trees in a very big stretch
of land (probably about 2 miles by 1/2" mile swath).  I think one day they
build a road back there, but for now it's nothing but swamp land with weeds
4' high in mud and swamp water.

I've read about beverage antennas and still don't understand them, but I
was wondering if I ran say, 500' of wire out into this swamp and somehow
elevated it 3 or 4' off the ground, would it be a very good receive antenna
for 80 meters?

Could I just run some RG8 coax to edge of my land, terminate the shield
to a ground rod and connect the center conductor to the 500' of wire, would
that work OK?

The problem I have is that I only want to make one trip, and one trip only,
into that swamp.  Luckily I have my waders out for next weekend's
opening of Teal Season, but with the possibilities of snakes and alligators
in the lurks, I dread going out there at all.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Don AA5AU