[RTTY] RWRL List of all active callsigns

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 16:15:06 -0500

> just uploaded a list of all active callsigns in a plain text format.
> Maybe you have to refresh/reload the home page again, to get it. ;-)

I would caution against making a master callsign database from this list.
These are only people that have actually submitted results enough to be
included.  Some people are pretty active, yet might have chosen not to
officialoly submit scores much in the last couple of years.  For example, my
friend Bill (W9OL) is not in the list, so I assume many other active RTTY
amateurs are also not included.  The only caveat is that the total number
seems about right!  ;-)