[RTTY] OX / DF4OR (Greenland) in RTTY, end of October

Ekki ekki@plicht.de
Sun, 23 Sep 2001 00:38:12 +0200

Hi all,
there is a high probability that i will be qrv in RTTY from OX end of
October (Oct 25 to Oct 30, except contest weekend). A danish/international
group will activate XP1AB in Sondre Stromfjord for the CQWW SSB Contest. The
days before and after the contest can (and will) be used for other contacts.

So if you need OX in RTTY send me an email, i will try to arrange skeds. I
am not sure if i can be online from there, so i would like to arrange as
much as possible in advance.

73 and see you in CQWW RTTY next weekend.

Ekki, DF4OR

For more info: