[RTTY] DXP38 vs MMTTY tuning faceoff

Jim Coleman jcoleman@ebbtide.micro.uiuc.edu
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 14:25:56 -0500

I use Writelog with  DXP38 and use a spectrum analyzer program called GSpec


I make this into a small window under the RTTY window. It allows quick 
tuning because of the double vertical line. It's also useful to find an 
open space to CQ and when you need to tune up or down a little to get away 
from someone stepping on you (you know who you are....). It's a nice 
adjunct to the hardware set up I have. I have used the HAL delta tuning 
without any trouble but in my shack it's not convenient to put the DXP38 
near the computer screen where I can easily see both.

I'm sure there are other sound card spectrum analyzer programs out there.

73 de Jim, KA6A/K9USA

At 11:57 AM 9/25/2001 -0700, Kok Chen wrote:

>IMHO, an FSK tuning indicator should only be as visually complex
>as it needs to be to tune a signal accurately, and no more complex
>than that.  Fancy displays only distracts you from tuning something
>in quickly.
>Chen, AA6TY
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