[RTTY] RTTY version 5.02 object, manual, and source on the web at RTTYINFO

Bob Boyd w1vxv@adelphia.net
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 18:40:18 -0700

Ray, WF1B provided the version 5.02 files to me earlier this week for
hosting on the RTTYINFO website.  Thanks, Ray, and to Shelby, K4WW, for
making the contact with Ray that made this all possible.  I have tested
the download and unzip process; there appears to be no problem.

Thanks to those who took the time to advise me how to set things up on
the web-page.  My initial problem was that I had not put the files in
the right place.  Never assume anything!

Please keep me advised of things that might need to be updated, and feel
welcome to contribute info that you feel would be helpful to others if
contained on OUR website.  Note:  I'd still prefer to let the contest
rules and contest results be maintained elsewhere, as those sites are
doing a fine job, and I do not have time.  Likewise with MMTTY band
other "off-shoot" modes.  I'm very willing to point to them, but please
let other sites do the hosting.

Best regards to all from Phoenix where it's still hot, from a homesick
Maine-iac!  No ham gear here makes it even worse.  Now it looks like
I'll be here into next year.  Pleased for the contract extension, but I
miss operating!

Bob - NT1V  (ex-W1VXV)

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      webmaster:  Bob, NT1V
     email: BobBoyd@NT1V.net
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