Hill, Don
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 14:30:15 -0600
I told Bruce I would be sending this to the reflector. I was
curious to know what exactly the post on the website meant.
Here's the exact wording of the post on the website:
2002 April 1
Just talked with Ed, if he is going to operate RTTY, it will be on 21.080
listening up only. Before he starts operating, he will say a couple of words
voice to confirm that it is him. No operation on any band other than 15m for
voice and rtty.
Below is Bruce's answer to questions about why the ARRL is only
accepting SSB contacts for DXCC and whether Ed will come up on
SSB on 21080 first before going to RTTY.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Paige [mailto:kk5do@arrl.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:18 PM
To: Hill, Don
Subject: Re: Question about your Post on P5 RTTY
well, for right now i thing this doesn't matter as the arrl will only accept
qso's on ssb. if he continues to operate rtty or cw which his permission is
for, then i don't think these qso's will count until he does get permission.
suspect he will say something on the 21.080 freq.
Bruce Paige, KK5DO kk5do@arrl.net
Houston, Texas
AMSAT VP-User Services & Awards Manager
ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE
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