[RTTY] Baudot paper tape?

Kok Chen chen@mac.com
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:18:41 -0700

<w2up@mindspring.com> wrote:

> While looking for some airline deals, I went to www.orbitz.com. After
> entering cities, dates, etc., and clicking on search, you get a "please
> wait screen." Part of the screen includes a 5 bit tape moving across. I
> wonder if there really is a message on that tape?!

Barry told me to go look at the Orbitz web site and I did.

That ain't no punched tape :-).

First of all, there are no sprocket holes (small pre-punched holes
used in the mechanical days for sprockets to drive the tape, and in
later day readers to get a "clock" signal when passing the tape
through an optical reader).

Secondly, there are only three "holes" per column!

Each hole has more than one level of gray, though, so each column
of tape carries more than 3 bits of datum :-) :-).

How did Dxpeditions do RTTY in the Model 19 days?!

Chen, AA6TY