[RTTY] new rig
Dick White
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 09:16:58 -0500
It looks like I will miss the SARTG contest this month as I will not have a
workable radio. I am considering a new radio and would appreciate comments
on what to buy. Cost is a factor and should be under $2K. I want to be
able to do good CW and RTTY, chasing Dx, contesting and some rag chewing.
Excessive bells and whistles are not important to me.
The Yaesu FT-920 looks intresting. I would appreciate comments from someone
that is or has used one. Filtering is important; how good is the CW TX/RX
and how well does the auto tuner work ? Besides the basic radio, what else
is needed for this rig? Will it work with my Ameritron ALS-600 amp.?
Thanks to all. I will try to get my IC-735 working in RTTY. But, without
decent filters, it is impossable to work a contest with it.
73....Dick - KS0M
Richard C. "Dick" White ks0m@ktis.net
Fulton, MO. 65251-2215
Amateur Radio Station - KS0M (ex WB0WLX - KC0MY)
ARRL DXCC Honor Roll / CW - 5BDXCC #3295 / CW
Life Member, American Radio Relay League