[RTTY] Where has all the RTTY Gone

Kok Chen kchen@apple.com
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 19:35:43 -0700

W7TI/6 wrote:
> I agree.  By the time he gets to his pet's name, I have QSY'd and
> am calling CQ.

I have to remember to use my pet's name at the next NAQP :-)

Speaking of which, 99% of RTTY NAQP didn't even blink
when I sent "chen," but fully half of the CW NAQP guys last
weekend asked  "name?"

Well, 25% asked "name?" another 25% asked "nag?"

AA5AU didn't miss a beat.  Even asked for a QSY.  (Sorry Don,
15m was completely dead.)  I had lots of people try to QSY me;
was Oregon that rare during CW NAQP?!

A couple of weeks ago, well into an SSB contest, I called one of
the regular VK RTTY'ers.  He said in surprise, "I didn't know you
speak!"  At which point I sent him 59 002, confirming that I rarely
do :-).

Chen, W7AY