[RTTY] Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP RTTY 160M Survey

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i@twistedoak.com
Wed, 07 Aug 2002 21:15:01 -0700

At 06:58 PM 8/7/2002, Bill Coleman wrote:
>The solution is simply to increase the symbol length. For single-bit 
>modes like Baudot RTTY, this would also decrease the information rate. 
>But, better to get the information across slowly than not at all.

I am thinking out loud here, but I do have some small experience with data 
recovery in a difficult channel...

There are many ways to solve the problem (other than increasing the symbol 
rate), even within the existing protocol. In general, the trick is to 
correctly characterize the error function of the channel and to compensate 
for this during transmit and/or receive.

Seems to me that if we set up the challenge of 160m for the folks who write 
the RTTY software, we may very well end up with an improved product on the 
other bands.

73 - jeff wk6i

Jeff Stai       Twisted Oak Winery LLC
Email           jds@twistedoak.com
Amateur Radio   WK6I
ROC Web Page    http://www.rocstock.org/