Duane Budd
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:56:51 -0400
I use RCK-RTTY with a PTC-IIe and a PK-900 without any
problem such as you describe. It is a super piece of S/W.
I suggest you Email Walter direct. He has ALWAYS been most
responsive to any query I have had.
Duane Budd
Johnson City, TN
-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-admin@contesting.com
Behalf Of rtty-request@contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:02 PM
To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: RTTY digest, Vol 1 #543 - 5 msgs
Send RTTY mailing list submissions to
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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
than "Re: Contents of RTTY digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Contesting.com Mailing List Users (Bill Fisher, W4AN)
2. RCK RTTY (Tom Wylie)
3. Re: RCK RTTY (DidierBruriaud@aol.com)
4. 3XA8DX, TI9M (Dave W7DPW)
5. Re: 160 meter (Bill Tippett)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 14:23:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bill Fisher, W4AN" <bill@eHam.net>
To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] Contesting.com Mailing List Users
Contesting.com & eHam.net Users
I have been hosting the Contesting.com and eHam.net web
sites and mailing
lists on my network since 1996. In the beginning, my
company (Akorn
Access) provided the hosting for free. Since we started the
eHam.net web
site two years ago and began to accept advertising, eHam has
been able to
pay a small amount each month toward the hosting costs.
Today, eHam.net and Contesting.com steadily consume more
than a T-1 of
bandwidth. Combined, the two sites deliver well over 4
million pages and
push more than 200 gigabytes of data each month. The
success of both
sites and all of the mailing lists are demanding more and
bandwidth. However, we face the question of how to pay for
The cost to host this level of bandwidth most anywhere else
would exceed
$2000 per month. eHam is currently able to contribute only
$250.00 per
month, leaving Akorn Access out of pocket for at least
$23,700 per year.
In the past, I have been able to cover these costs because
Akorn was doing
well enough in other areas and the utilization was not as
high. With the
recent slow down in the economy and our changing Internet
access business,
Akorn is unable to continue this level of support.
Additionally, many
potential advertisers are engrained in their print
advertising, and refuse
to acknowledge the Internet as a viable method of promoting
products. Although we continue to sign up new advertisers,
they are not
coming (and funding the site) at the same rate as the
So, with regret, I'm reluctantly forced to turn to the users
of both sites
for ongoing assistance.
We have an annual subscription program at eHam.net for users
to help pay
for the site operations. We don't define the amount of the
but rather suggest that each user define for themselves the
site's value,
and consider their own financial ability to subscribe. We
comparing how much time you spend reading QST or CQ
magazines with how
much time you spend reading eHam.net, Contesting.com, or the
mailing lists when making your decision.
You can help by subscribing at
http://www.eham.net/cart/product/111. If
you are unable to contribute by credit card, you can send a
check to
eHam.net, 5095 Hamptons Club Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30004.
Many thanks & 73
Bill Fisher, W4AN
PS - I should also point out that we have many volunteers
working on both
Contesting.com and eHam.net who receive no compensation at
all. These
folks volunteer their time to provide the rest of us these
services. A
list of volunteers can be found on both sites, and it would
go a long way
if you would write just one of them expressing your
appreciation for their
Message: 2
From: "Tom Wylie" <tom@gm4fdm.com>
To: "RTTY reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 19:14:59 -0000
Subject: [RTTY] RCK RTTY
Any RCK rtty users in here? I have downloaded a ciopy and
am trying to
set it up but every 4th or 5th transmission it seems to lock
up and refuses
to go back to receive.
If I use only MMTTY it runs like a dream - externally, but
inside RCKrtty it
is freezing? Anybody else got experience of this and how
to cure it?
73 de tom
hopefully in SARTG
(("I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one!"))
GM DX GROUP - Scotland's DX Association
Message: 3
From: DidierBruriaud@aol.com
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 16:50:42 EDT
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RCK RTTY
To: tom@gm4fdm.com, rtty@contesting.com
I have the same problem
i have testing RCK with a PK232 ..
And he go on emission but not back on RX
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Message: 4
From: "Dave W7DPW" <w7dpw@attbi.com>
To: "rtty" <rtty@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 14:03:49 -0700
Subject: [RTTY] 3XA8DX, TI9M
Today received 3XA8DX QSL thanks to DL1QW and TI9M QSL
thanks to AKØA.
Thanks for the Cards.
Dave W7DPW
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 06:37:30 -0400
To: rtty@contesting.com
From: Bill Tippett <btippett@alum.mit.edu>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] 160 meter
I am forwarding the following message from W8JI.
had his facts wrong as Tom explains below.
73, Bill W4ZV
Return-Path: <w8ji@contesting.com>
From: "Tom Rauch" <w8ji@contesting.com>
I don't subscribe to the RTTY reflector, but I hope someone
correct the misinformation Ed K4SB put out.
W7TI wrote:
> To me, 1805 is the better choice. In all the listening
I've done
> there other than during a contest, I've never heard anyone
> than us RTTY guys.
> Comments welcome.
> 73, Bill W7TI
**Ed K4SB replied**
>I would suggest you try your sunrise when the 160 meter
season opens.
>You'll find a multitude of JA, VK, and others from the
>designating 1802-1810 as their listening frequency.
>In fact, W8JI has a regular season schedule with a VK6
EVERY morning
>on 1810. And believe me, his signal will squash you like a
bug. (
>including all other 160 stations on the East coast )
>And with all due disrespect for the stupidity of the ARRL,
their band
>plans means nothing on the low bands.
>80 up from the low end, except for contests, will bother no
one. I
>cannot understand why we should pick a fight for no reason.
>We will lose, and, I fully expect 160 will be completely
useless for
>RTTY, if it isn't already due to natural causes. The
"gentlemen of
>top band" are NOT.
The real facts are..........
1.) In the past, I virtually NEVER operated CW below about
except in the early 1960's through perhaps 1980 or so.
2.) I absolutely have no "daily sked" with a VK6 let alone
one below
3.) I have NEVER have operated CW below 1810 after the new
but I have worked RTTY and PSK/MFSK below 1810kHz.
4.) I normally operate 1824.5kHz in the morning.
5.) Very few others operate down low in the band either,
DX'ers. For the most part, 1805 is empty except during some
Ed, in the future please do not include me or my call in any
of your
off-the-cuff remarks. I fully expect you to correct your
mistake, and
apologize to me and the unnamed others on 160 you have
73, Tom W8JI
RTTY mailing list
End of RTTY Digest