Roberto ec2adr@wanadoo.es
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 02:26:12 +0200

                     SARTG WW Contest

Callsign         : EA2RY
Loc./DXCC/Cont.  : IN82PU / EA / EU
Category         : Single Operator / Single Band / 20m
Mode             : RTTY
Club Competition :=20
Power            : LOW   100 Watt
Contest Date     : 17.08.2002
Default Exchange : 599
Operating Time   : 11:13 h
Software         : RCKRtty V2.16

BAND  QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points  Cty  Dist.
10       0        0         0     0    0
15       0        0         0     0    0
20     281      280      3165    50   16
40       0        0         0     0    0
80       0        0         0     0    0
       281      280      3165    50   16

Final Score: 3165 * (50 + 16) =3D 208890

           Station Description: KENWOOD TS-870(100W)
           Antenna: CUSHCRAFT D3 (10,15, 20 METERS)
           "Single 4 kg of antenna and without direction,HI,HI"=20
           RCKRtty V2.16 + Kantronics KAMPlus 8.2

Comment: My first contest since I have my new license that allows
         me to use all the bands.
         With my previous callsing (EC2ADR), almost always in 15m,
         now I have proven 20m.
         Thanks to all those that contacted with me, are all
         "new one", and until the following test.
         Sorry by my badly English.=20

EA2RY   ex-ec2adr
Filloy Garcia, Roberto
P.O.Box 647
01080 Vitoria - Gasteiz
EMail : ea2ry@ec2adr.com  ec2adr@ec2adr.com
Homepage : http://www.ec2adr.com

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