[RTTY] Mosted Need RTTY Survey Update
Don Hill AA5AU
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 23:49:27 -0500
The "Most Needed RTTY" Survey has gone very well. I have
about 200 total submissions. The Results Page is updated as of
yesterday with 170 submissions so I have a few more to input.
A few known problems with sending the survey form. If you have
the security set too tight on your browser, it won't work. If are running
a firewall, it may or may not work. Setting your browser to accept cookies
and/or disabling your firewall usually works.
Here's the top 10 Most Needed Entities on RTTY so far:
1 BS7 Scarborough Reef
2 VU Andaman & Nicobar Is.
3 7O Yemen
4 3C0 Annobon I. (tie)
4 VU Lakshadweep Is. (tie)
5 VK0 Macquarie I.
6 FT5X Kerguelen Is.
7 3Y Bouvet (tie)
7 FT5W Crozet I. (tie)
8 ST Sudan (tie)
8 PP0-PY0S St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks (tie)
9 HK0 Malpelo I.
10 KP5 Desecheo I.
If you operate RTTY and would like to participate in the survey, please go
to http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.html and there are links to an instruction page,
the actual web form and the results page.
If you sent the survey form and your call is not listed on the results page, either
you elected not to have your call listed, I've not input your data yet or your
data was put "on hold". Any entry that does not include BS7 is automatically
put "on hold" since Scarborough Reef is the only current DXCC Entity that has not
been activated on the digital modes. I send an E-mail to anyone who's
entry is "on hold". Once I verify those results, the data is then put in the database.
Although the top ten list isn't a big surprise, I've found many interesting places
that are rare on RTTY. I wonder if the KH3 DXpedition last year operated any
RTTY? Apparently not, as it's in the top 20. Peter I has climbed back up toward
the top again. YA is way up despite there being activity on other modes. Only
YA/G0TQJ was active on RTTY and his operation not yet approved for DXCC.
And I wonder why no one has been on from Christmas Island or Cocos-Keeling? I
had a dream last night that I spent two weeks each on Christmas and Cocos-Keeling
doing nothing but working RTTY! Today I checked on airfare and accommodations
and realized I needed to buy an extra lottery ticket. You can get there from here
but it ain't cheap!
Have fun with the survey. It's for you, the RTTY operator and/or DXpeditioner.
I probably won't get any more data input this week. There's a RTTY contest this
weekend and I do actually have a "real" job. Check for updates next week.
73 & thanks for your participation,