Ekki Plicht
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 13:03:31 +0000
SCC Championship
Callsign : DF4OR
Loc./DXCC/Cont. : HES / DL / EU
Category : Single Op. / All Band
Mode : RTTY
Club Competition :
Power : LOW 100 Watt
Contest Date : 24.08.2002
Default Exchange : 599
Operating Time : ~20 h
Software : RCKRtty V2.15 with MMTTY 1.62
Transceiver : IC-756Pro
Antenna(s) : Gap Eagle (10,15,20m), 56m hor. loop (80, 40m)
BAND QSOs Valid QSOs Points Multis
10 68 68 150 41
15 92 92 224 45
20 143 143 328 48
40 75 75 152 40
80 24 24 43 17
402 402 897 191
Final Score: 897 * 191 = 171.327
Condx were mediocre on Saturday, slightly improved on Sunday, at least for
European stations. Few NA stations heared/worked at all, even fewer JA and
OC. ZL2AMI and VK4UC were the only ones from down under - TU. Practically no
short skip made it difficult to find a calling frequency. Even if I heard
nothing, I only found somebody working another german station on my calling
Anyway, it was fun seeing the old crowd and lots of new calls, amazing to see
some years of first licensing... 1928 was the record (RW9C, probably a
clubstation?), but 1934 or 1935 was very impressive as well. Man, what must
amateur radio been like back then, what changes in technology did these guys
live through. And still going strong, fantastic...
Highlights - few. Getting the report through in some cases.
Lowlights - the usual, stupid reports like "5NN" or CQ calls like "CQ de
DF4OR-DF4OR-DF4OR" (callsign is just an example hi). I hate it when I have to
use the keyboard during an RTTY contest, hi hi.
Thanks to the sponsors and all who worked me.
Ekki, DF4OR
P.S.: What do we do until CQWW? It's 5 weeks until then!