[RTTY] WF1B Cabrillo Report for SCC RTTY Contest

Nils Collin, SM6BSK nils.collin@telia.com
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 17:34:41 -0000

Hi all,

Nice idea! You can also send me an email to get my little 'scc2cbr.exe' converter which uses the *.all file

73 de Nils, SM6BSK

----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- 
Fr�n: "G.W. Hellman" <vze27322@verizon.net>
Till: "Reflector RTTY" <rtty@contesting.com>
Skickat: den 25 augusti 2002 15:45
�mne: [RTTY] WF1B Cabrillo Report for SCC RTTY Contest

> The message below was sent last year by S57AW for Cabrillo Report
> creation for WF1B users.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------
> Hi !
> I tried with the last CABRILLO.EXE (Feb 11th 2001)
> Very simple way to make a good SCC RTTY Cabrillo log in WF1B :
> Temporary edit (or add) the following line in your RTTY.INI (you will find
> it in your WF1B directory) file before the contest :
> Qth=87
> The number in line is last two digit of your license (eg. 87 - 1987; 99 -
> 1999, 00 - 2000, 01 - 2001 etc)
> - run cabrillo.exe
> - select your category
> - select the ARRL-RTTY as the contest
> - select your SCC BIN file as input file
> - generate the cabrillo file <CTL-ENTER>
> Once the log is generated open it with the any simple text editor (NOTEPAD,
> WordPad...) and edit just the Cabrillo header - replace ARRL-RTTY with SCC
> The header and log should looks like this :
> NAME: Robert Bajuk
> ADDRESS: Ljubljanska 101, Domzale 1230, Slovenia
> SOAPBOX: RTTY by WF1B Software v5
> QSO: 21080 RY 2000-08-26 1201 S57AW       599 87     WA8RPK        599 1964
> QSO: 21080 RY 2000-08-26 1203 S57AW       599 87     N2PAQ         599 1991
> QSO: 21080 RY 2000-08-26 1204 S57AW        599 87     OH8MWD        599 1990
> QSO: 21080 RY 2000-08-26 1205 S57AW        599 87     Z31JA         599 1983
> QSO: 21080 RY 2000-08-26 1205 S57AW        599 87     JE4CIL        599 1982
> Hope that helps !
> 73 de Robert, S57AW
> > The version of cabrillo.exe (the conversion program) that I have for
> > WF1B doesn't explicitly support SARTG, but I just used another
> > contest, and massaged a single header line.  I think the output looked
> > correct, in that the entire exchange was there, so even if it's not
> > explicitly supported, things might work.
> >
> > Is there a place in the Cabrillo QSO line for the SCC exchange of year
> > first licensed?  Or does it need to go into the header lines
> > someplace?
> >
> >
> > 73, doug
> >
> > BTW, I saw someone who was calling "CQ BARTG" consistently in the
> > SARTG contest, as far as I could tell.  I was amused.
> >
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> RTTY mailing list
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> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/rtty
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