[RTTY] MMTTY - FSK - Knwd 570

Cal Kutemeier ckuter@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 20:40:21 -0600

I am trying to get MMTTY v 1.61 working on FSK rather than AFSK.  I built
the interface as shown on AA5AU's website.  I tried to have a QSO with
someone nearby and he said the noise level dropped (he is using MMTTY on
AFSK), but no copy on the screen.  I listened to my TX with a shortwave
radio and seem to hear normal RTTY sounds.

The interface for FSK goes from DB9 pin 3 to ACC2 (13 pin) plug pin 2 on the
radio.  PTT from DB9 pin 7 to Pin 9 on ACC2.

Ground from DB9 pin 5 to ACC2 pin 8.

I changed MMtty to Com-TXd for FSK.  No other changes to MMTTY.  I am not
running rig control either.

On the 570, I tried Polarity (Menu # 30) both OFF and ON  and no change.

AFSK still works fine when I changed everything back. I am using the same

Is there something else I need to set on MMTTY or the 570 menu?
