MRBILL1953@aol.com MRBILL1953@aol.com
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 20:31:24 EST


I'm proud to announce we're having a fantastic response to this year's TARA 
RTTY SPRINT. The amount of you that have taken the time to post your "Claimed 
Scores" is outstanding. We still have a couple more days left until the 
scores are finalized and we'd still like for anyone who hasn't yet posted 
your score to please do so immediately. This very well could be the best year 
ever for logs received, couldn't you help put us over the top! Come on, it 
will only take maybe 5 minutes, no kidding! No score is too BIG, nor too 
LITTLE! If you were in the contest, then take a few minutes of your time and 
submit your score. The TARA Sprint has made that job easier than ever. All 
you have to do is go to the website below and fill out 2 forms, THAT IS IT! 
No long logs to zip up and email. No long summary sheets to hassle with, just 
go to the website and fill in the forms and you'll be helping us out 
tremendously! I hope we can count on you.

TARA RTTY WEB PAGE:   http://www.n2ty.org/rtty/rtty.html

 Thank's for reading this message!

73 de NY2U - Bill

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