[RTTY] Optical mouse?

Jerry Flanders jflanders2@home.com
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 12:43:37 -0500

I have converted all my computers to the optical mouse. I bought several of 
the "Microsoft Wheelmouse Optical" at the discount stores over time, 
getting them for about $10-15 each after rebate. They don't seem to work 
well on bare grainy wood desks (they skip as the eye crosses the "grains"), 
but work fine on any pad. I use a white (non-glossy) piece of 
paper/cardboard, but a conventional mouse pad works also.

Jerry W4UK

At 08:53 AM 2/4/2002 -0800, Bill Turner wrote:
>Anyone using an optical mouse?
>I'm getting tired of cleaning my standard one and wondering if an
>optical would be better.  Do they really work as claimed?  Do they need
>a special pad?
>There seem to be two versions made:  400dpi and 800dpi.  Is the more
>precise one any better for us contesters?  I suppose for some
>applications such as CAD it would be.
>I'm interested in the one at:
>All comments appreciated.
>73, Bill W7TI